👋 Hey! I’m Joaquín Pereyra. I’ve been working with computers and writing about it for the better part of my life now. I’m around 30 years old and right now I live in Uruguay.
I’ve worked in the information security space since 2016, when I got my first job working on Faraday. I’ve since worked at Mercado Libre, Wildlife Studios and IOV Labs.
Right now I’m working with Coinspect to help decentralized services be more secure. Some of our reports are public. We have done some research and education content, like talking about wallet security on ETH Argentina and working on reproducing real attacks on blockchains to learn the techniques the bad guys have used.
Besides working I really like a lot of other stuff depending on my obsession at that particular moment. Some things apparently don’t change that often and I seem to permanently like:
- 📖 Books, specially horror-adjacent and weird-fiction style. Thomas Ligotti is one of my favorite writers.
- 🥁 Drumming, although I do it badly.
- 🎲 Games, both on a computer and board-with-friends style.
Nevertheless I’ve had countless micro-hobbies and I’m usually toying around with a new one all the time. At one point it was mushrooms. Actually, agaricus is just a fancy name for the common mushroom, so that explain the weird domain name. At some other point it was languages and that’s why I studied around 7 of them (although I’m only fluent in Spanish and English).
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You can contact me via e-mail at joaquin l pereyra @ the google provider you know.
I also have a Twitter and my Github profile.