A couple of years ago I started with the Cryptopals challenges. For those that don’t know them, they are a collection of excercises on cryptography that take a very hands-on and yet provide very little guidance on how to solve them. These kind of practice has become my favorite: I really enjoy being presented a problem and having the freedom to solve it as best as I can.

Anyway. The challenges start quite easy, with a couple of excercises with XOR cyphers, which are extremely basic cyphers where encryption(plaintext, key) = xor(plaintext, key) = decryption(plaintext, key). See how easy it is to bruteforce one using some basic frequency analysis.

pub fn xor_file() {
    let file = match File::open("./6.txt") {
        Ok(file) => file,
        Err(_) => panic!("file not found!"),
    let buffer = BufReader::new(file);
    for encrypted_line in buffer.lines().map(|l| l.unwrap()) {
        let encrypted_bytes = hex::from_string(&encrypted_line).unwrap();
        // Bruteforce the key
        for i in 0..127 {
            let xored = bytes::repeating_xor(&encrypted_bytes, &[i as u8]);
            let text = match bytes::to_string(&xored) {
                Some(text) => text,
                None => continue, // most probably our secret is utf8, at least?
            let score = frequency::analysis(&text);
            if score > 0.7 {
                println!("score: {}, text: {}, key: {}", score, text, i);

That was the hard problem on set zero. Everything before it was very easy, requiring basic programming knowledge (you are OK with for-loops) and maybe knowing a couple of properties of XOR.

Then the next challenge appears simple: you are given a key, you are told it is for the AES cypher under ECB mode. You are given a file and you are told it’s encoded in base64.

Simple enough unless you are me and you were set on using zero dependencies. That means implementing base64 and AES. base64 is somewhat easy and unremarkable, but AES was quite the journey. It took me a fair amount of work to get it working. I actually spent ~2 years on this, but they were off and on. Mostly off. But I can say that implementing AES was more frustrating than solving the challenges themselves.

Anyway, after all the work, I had a working AES implementation:

pub fn decrypt_yellow_submarine() {
    // https://cryptopals.com/sets/1/challenges/7

    let cipher_text = read_to_string("./7.txt").expect("could not read file");
    let cipher_text = cipher_text.replace('\n', "");
    let cipher_text = base64::decode(&cipher_text).unwrap();
    let cipher_key = "YELLOW SUBMARINE".as_bytes();

    let plain = symm::decrypt(&cipher_key, &cipher_text, symm::Mode::ECB, Padding::None);
    let plain_ascii = str::from_utf8(&plain).unwrap();
    print!("{}", plain_ascii);

Let’s look at my implementation and see the interesting bits.

So, first things first, you should know the difference between the algorithm and the mode.

The algorithm is AES, the Advanced Encryption Standard. It is a subset of Rijndael. Rijndael was presented when the NIST was hey hey guys we need an advanced encryption standard then the guys behind Rijndael were like we have this and the NIST was like coolio so this is now AES. The should explain the name. All right.

Then the mode is something entirely separate from the algorithm itself and should work for any block cypher… oh, I should now mention the difference between block cyphers and stream cyphers.

Stream cyphers encrypt an arbitrary amount of data and can encrypt one byte at a time. They need to generate a keystream, that is, an arbitrarily long key with which to encrypt the data.

Block cyphers take a fixed chunk of data, say, 16 bytes, or 8 bytes, or 92, whatever. But they are fixed. If my block cypher accepts 16 bytes of data and I want to encrypt 14 or 18, I’m screwed. The key size in block cyphers is also fixed.

Obviously block cyphers seem simpler, but also useless because why would one want to encrypt data of an exact size. That seems like a very niche use case. Well, you have two methods come to the rescue:

  • Padding, which should be familiar for most developers. If I have 0xCOFFEEBABE (5 bytes) as my data and my block cipher takes 6 bytes input, I can pad it somehow. PKCS7 is a popular padding for cryptography which is self-contained: you don’t need to store how many bytes you padded or where the pad beggins: that information is the pad itself. So PKCS7(0xCOFFEEBABE, target=6) = 0xC0FFEEBABE01, because I needed one byte. The downside is that if my data already is six bytes, it will double its size: PKCS7(0xCOFFEEBABE01, target=6) = 0xCOFFEEBABE01060606060606.

  • Modes of operation, which solve the inverse problem: I want to pad more than my algorithm is capalbe of. Modes of operation is a very bad name for a simple idea: how can we concatenate each block produced by calling my algorithm with the acceptable amount of bytes? So how do I transform the separate entities AES(first_chunk), AES(second_chunk), AES(third_chunk) into a single message and how do I do it securely?

Note that both padding and a mode are needed in conjunction in most cases. The first_chunk in AES(first_chunk) will probably have to be padded.

So that’s it about modes. So let’s see how to implement modes. Lucily, the text is not padded (that means the plaintext had to have a length which is a multiple of 16, the AES block size). No padding means I can show my PKCS7 implementation in another post. It is not that interesting anyway.

But there is a mode, and the mode is ECB. ECB or **Electronic Code Book (who comes up with these names?) is the simplest mode. It just… well, it basically does nothing. It just concatenates blocks togethers.

/// An ECB mode of operation for an arbitrary block cypher
/// ECB mode will just encrypt every block and concatenate
/// the outputs to form the cyphertext. Idem for decryption.
/// Operation on the ECB mode require a working block cipher
/// and do not assume the plain or cipher text to be padded.
pub struct ECB<'a> {
    cipher: &'a mut dyn Cipher,
    block_size: usize,

impl<'a> ECB<'a> {
    pub fn new(cipher: &'a mut dyn Cipher) -> ECB<'a> {
        let block_size = cipher.get_block_size();
        ECB { cipher, block_size }

    pub fn encrypt(&mut self, msg: &[u8]) -> Vec<u8> {
        let mut cipher_text = Vec::with_capacity(msg.len());

        for i in (0..msg.len()).step_by(self.block_size) {
            self.cipher.set_state(&msg[i..i + self.block_size]);
            cipher_text.append(&mut self.cipher.encrypt());


    pub fn decrypt(&mut self, cipher_text: &[u8]) -> Vec<u8> {
        let mut plain_text = Vec::with_capacity(cipher_text.len());

        for i in (0..cipher_text.len()).step_by(self.block_size) {
            self.cipher.set_state(&cipher_text[i..i + self.block_size]);
            plain_text.append(&mut self.cipher.decrypt())


My implementation lies a little bit and would make you believe that ECB encrypts stuff. It does not. The encryption is done by a cipher. The name encrypt is there because that’s what ends up happening under the hood.

Anyway, as you can see, the code is as simple as it can be: iterate over every chunk of plain_text[i:i+block_size], then set i = i+block_size. Concat the results.

We only now need to understand AES encryption/decryption. Now, I have a confession to make here. Implementing AES was probably the most boring and futile excercise I’ve done. I became quite obsessed with finishing it so I did it. But I would not recomend it. The low-level details are uninteresting, and you won’t become better at cryptography because you implemented it. A high-level overview is great and it is awesome to understand how it works, but the implementation details are just boring.

That’s why I will just leave exactly that: a high level overview. I won’t be showing how to implement the math so operations work inside the field of FD(2^8), nor will I show exactly all the permutations that are happening under the hood, nor the key expansion that AES performs before encrypting your plaintext. If there’s any kind of interest on it contact me at @agaricus_sec on Twitter and I can work on a post or maybe lending a hand, but if you are reading this you are probably as qualified as me to solve the problem at hand.

Well, then let’s see how AES works.

/// A low-level AES Cipher.
/// It provides the basic primitives of the AES algorithm.
/// Clients are supposed to check for sanity of input parameters
/// or the Cipher will either malfunction or just panic.
/// Sanity requirements:
/// - Key is either 16, 24 or 32 bytes long
/// - A call to set_state is made before trying to encrypt or decrypt
pub struct Cipher {
    nr: u8,
    state: Block,
    key: Key,

impl Cipher {
    // ...
    pub fn encrypt(&mut self) -> [u8; 16] {

        for round in 1..self.nr {



    pub fn decrypt(&mut self) -> [u8; 16] {

        for round in 1..self.nr {
            self.add_round_key(self.nr - round);



    pub fn set_state(&mut self, state: &[u8]) {
        let block = Block::new_from_u8([
            [state[0], state[1], state[2], state[3]],
            [state[4], state[5], state[6], state[7]],
            [state[8], state[9], state[10], state[11]],
            [state[12], state[13], state[14], state[15]],
        self.state = block;

Well, you can see that AES then has a couple of primite operations:

  • add_round_key, which multiplies the key by the round number and a constant Nb = 4
  • substitute_bytes, which uses a SUBSTITUTION_BOX or SBOX for short to scrammble the input. Every byte of the input is mapped into the SBOX is literally an array of arrays (a box) and replaced by the values on it.
  • shift_rows will shift the rows in a block (an horizontal array of bytes inside a block, AES blocks have 4 rows and 4 columns). What this means is it will take the first byte of the first row and replace it by the second byte on the second row.
  • mix_columns which does something similar for columns.

Then the inverse of those functions is also implemented and used in the decryptions.

And that’s AES. It is so simple (basically shifting stuff around and replacing bytes by publicly known values) that its security should come as a surprise. I know it did for me. I’m still not intuitively-convinced it is not reversible without the key, although practice has shown it is, at least when using a sane mode (will come back to that later in another post).

I think this goes without saying, but of course my AES implementation is a toy. It is not safe, do not use it, dragons will eat you, etc.

I still have a lot to write about on this topic. I didn’t even show yet how to break ECB mode, which you will be glad to discover can be completely, absolutely broken: you can recover the plaintext with only a access to an oracle that can encrypt an arbitrary plaintext.

If you want to read more of my code implementing AES, go straight for the repository.